Monday, March 7, 2016

Let's get this started

Every morning I wake up and drink my black tea and I listen to music, different styles, different genres, so I thought that I might be able to make my input on what tea would go with certain song. In for a chill mood, or a happy one, even a sexy mood; I will try to combine my love of music with my other love for tea. I will make an effort to do this every day and I hope that you will bear with me.

Now let's talk about me.
My name is Ema, yes with only one "m", I'm special that way :). I'm 23 soon to be 24 and I'm from Romania. I studied music, piano and flute, for eight years and I hope that I can make something out of this blog, something that people will enjoy and thing it's funny, especially since I'm a funny person, at least in person though, I don't think that on paper; or better said in writing I'll be that funny at first but, I will try my best.
As for my love for tea, I think that everybody should love it; it's a warm hug and a comfy blanket when you need it. Plus it can relax you, put you in motion, even the motion of the ocean. Maybe with the passing of time some of you that don't love tea will at least learn to appreciate or appreciate the person that's drink it.
So that's about it. I'm not sure what else can I say about me since sometimes I even amaze myself with what comes out of my mouth. I'll start slow and see how it goes from here.
Thanks for listening and reading my rambles. I hope you have a great day and click on this blog more than once and give me your opinions on how should it all work.

Kisses and Go drink you tea, I'm already drinking mine.

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