Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Guys, today comes another post-rock song that I always listen to: „Crystaline”by Pg.lost, a band from Sweden. This song calms me down and gives me time to think about almost anything, not something sad, nor all my worries, but just think (we all do that sometimes, don’t we?). In the 5th minute, when everything starts to take another turn, this song becomes even better. It gets slower and more powerful, and this change seems so well-timed. It’s just mesmerizing, so enjoy it!

Sweet Serenita tea– does that sound like the perfect combination for the song? I think so too. It’s a mix of black tea with caramel bits and lavender, so it either calms you down or gives you the boost in energy you need, depending in what mood you are in. Either way, this is perfection.

  1. Kisses and Go drink your tea, I’m already drinking mine.

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