Monday, May 8, 2017


Hey guys!

Today I’m drinking some black tea, I felt the need since I woke up :D. This one is a very simple blend made just with black tea and rose petals. It has a floral aroma and it makes me a little more relaxed, not just energized from the black tea. It’s called Rose Congou, what name could fit better for this delicately scented black tea.

As for the song my choice is “Colours” from the UK indie rock pop band Luna Bay. Not many people might have heard of them but their sound and especially this song is quite infectious. It’s a great melody with lots of hooks and guitar riffs that make this track easy to listen and it might fill you up with a sense of calm and wonder, at least that’s want it does to me.

Kisses and Go dink your tea, I’m already drinking mine.

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