Friday, May 19, 2017

Lust for Life

Hey Guys!

Today is a special day and you have to help me wish a very important person, my sister, Happy Birthday. And like always the choice in music and tea comes from the birthday girl and this year she actually did a little of my job and wrote a little something. Here it goes:

<“Lust for Life” Lana del Ray (of course) ft. The Weekend. Red Chocolate tea. Should I justify my choices? Well… Lana de Rey is one of my favorite artists and chocolate is one of my favorite foods hihi. And I’m pretty sure there isn’t a better match in the whole Universe: lust and chocolate, or better said lust for chocolate. Both are sensual, smooth and make me think of a breezy summer night, on top of a high building, watching the city lights. You can add some silk in the picture and there you have it: a perfect moment.>

She’s a good writer I know and know there’s not much else left for me to say. “Lust for Life” it’s a great song; I even like it because of her. Plus I’ve already talked about it in a different post. As for the tea, is a special blend made just for her, and it was a Christmas present. The Red Chocolate tea contains a mix of: rooibos, dark chocolate, peppermint, fennel, cardamom and cacao. I’m glad she likes it so much that she shares it with the world.
 Happy Birthday my amazing, wonderful, awesome, great sister, you deserve the best and I hope you have it.

Kisses and Go drink (and wish my sister a Happy Birthday), I’m already drinking mine.

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